It’s been a big year around Tamara’s Herbes. I’ve seen a lot of changes, took some crazy chances, struggled through some personal issues, and watched as America made history. I’ve made some mistakes, had some great successes, made new friends, misplaced old friends, grew up a little, grew out a lot and learned a bit more about myself. I’d call that a good year.
The truth is, though, I’m glad it is behind me and I’m looking forward to the year ahead. I have a lot of plans. Trouble is, we all know what they say about the best laid plans…
In all the craziness of the past year, perhaps one of the most important things I learned about myself is that to be healthy and happy I have to do more than eat right and read the label on my skin-care products. I have to take time every so often to evaluate myself. What I believe, what I need to work on, what’s really good (and really bad). Am I where I want to be? Is it all I thought it would be?
Over the last year I’ve tried to share information that I felt was pertinent to our physical health. Over the coming year, I’d like to delve into a more personal issue ~ our emotional health. Of course, I’ll still be yammering on about eating healthy, using natural ingredients and recycling, but I’ll be adding some new material. I’ll be throwing in some tips of enhancing our spiritual life, our love life, our friendships, but most of all, ourselves. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite spots, not just here on the net, but here in my neck of the woods. Hidden places, favorite shops and tidbits of wisdom that I happen to stumble upon are all fair game.
Let’s not kid ourselves. I will still be plugging a few of my products. I’d be foolish not to, wouldn’t I? Especially since I’m in the process of introducing my new line of metaphysical creations. Blessed Water and Oils, handmade wands, divination tools, incense and so many other things are on the list for 2009! But, ultimately, I want this blog to be a place that I can share, not only my own creations, but the creations of others that I admire and respect.
I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new ones. Have a blessed new year!