It has been a crazy year around here and we are only half way through it. I'm not entirely clear on how I feel about that. We have accomplished lots of things around the farm, but we have had quite a ride on the emotional roller coaster. I do know that stress and being away from home so often has my whole body out of whack. My eating habits are getting worse, my coffee consumption has skyrocketed, my arthritis is kicking back in, my memory and mental clarity are declining and my hair is falling out.
So, I decided it was time to do a water fast, followed by a good system cleanse. Flush out all the gunk and start over, you know...
When I suggest a water fast, a lot of people are like, "Nope, I'm out. Can't do that! I'll just run to the doctor and see what pill he wants to give me to fix this."
I get it. Really, I do. The lure of an easy fix is quite motivational. However, I really want to FIX the problem, not just cover it up and prolong it.
I also have a lot of people try to negotiate around this part of the process. “Well, what about black coffee or herbal tea while I’m fasting?” “No food at all? Nothing? What about a piece of fruit or something?” My answer is always the same. I don’t make the rules, I just share them with you. Do it or don’t. How bad do you want to get well? You would be surprised how many people choose to avoid healing, even when the doctors have set their expiration date and given up.
Me? I prefer to get better. I want to be around to aggravate people for a very long time. I want to see all of my grandchildren grow up and give me lots of great grandchildren. I have a lot of plans left on my bucket list and I intend to finish them all!
I’m gonna be real honest, though. I hate fasting because I LOVE food. All kinds of food. Foods that should never pass through the human lips are some of my favorites and I usually avoid those at all costs. Sometimes I fail. The thought of going for days without food on purpose goes against a deep-rooted, primal survival instinct. Nevertheless, I understand why it needs to happen.
Why would any sane person do a water fast? Well, like every other belief I have, there is some small amount of controversy surrounding the practice. Fortunately, there is some good research done on it, too. I could write out pages of info that only repeat what is already out there and readily available, but I’m not gonna. I’m just not feeling it, today. There is some wonderful info, complete with many source references on the Healthline website here. For those of you who insist that any info like this come from a ‘real’ medical website, this link from might be better for you. They both say the same thing, along with proper warnings and limitations.
I didn’t start this article in an effort to convince you to try a fast, though. I started it to share with you what to expect while it is all fresh in my mind because, really, that is the first question anyone asks as they are considering if fasting is a good option for them. I’m gonna be honest...this won’t be pretty. This, my friends, is a real-life breakdown of what to expect.
Day one is a little tough. I tend to graze all day rather than eat meals. I think sometimes it is more out of habit rather than hunger, so I spend all of my first day reminding myself not to eat. Then, I get mad that I can’t eat, even if I am not hungry, so I grab some water and try to otherwise occupy my mind. I’m also pretty tired on the first day. I try to start a fast on a day that I know I don’t have to accomplish anything and I sleep through as much of it as I can. I’m only a little grumpy, but you probably ought not to do anything annoying or say anything about food around me. It is for all our safety that I say this.
Day two is bad. I hate everyone and everything. I will throat punch you for making noise in my presence, and if you say something stupid I swear I will cut out your vital organs. Slowly. I try to avoid people and social media on these days. It never ends well. I begin to wonder if a pill wouldn't be easier. Is this nonsense truly worth it? Humans were designed to eat. Steak. Tacos. Pizza. Big, greasy burgers. FOOD! Unfortunately, I am usually not even a bit tired, but try and make myself take a nap anyway in order to avoid my own company. This is usually the day my family makes itself busy elsewhere. If they have to be around me, they stay a little on-guard and give me plenty of personal know, in case I lash out...with a fist or a weapon... Nobody mentions food and they certainly don't consider cooking food in my house because I WILL take them down and steal their food while beating them senseless and berating them for pushing me over the edge. It is on this day that I run the highest risk of having to plead 'guilty by reason of insanity' at my future court date.
Day three is amazing! This is where I am today and it’s always the best day. I have lots of energy and my brain is active and clear. I will get so much done today! I’m not really concerned about the food. I’m a little hungry but not starving. I can ride out these last few hours by keeping busy, and if I break down and eat a couple hours before the end of full 72 that I am aiming for, well, no big deal. I made it pretty far!
So, there you have it and it really isn't that bad. Mostly.
Tomorrow I will start eating some raw fruits and veggies. I’m kinda drooling at the prospect of diving in to my tomato/cucumber/onion salad! Doesn’t it look delicious??? Those veggies have been soaking up all that vinegar and herby goodness for days!
And, I have some of this ginger bug that I made a while ago and have been saving. I’ll add it to some freshly squeezed grape juice and maybe add a leaf or two of mint, and a sprig of lavender….and tequila….
And that hair falling out problem...well, I might have fixed it by cutting off 6” of it when I got out of the shower this morning…